Senior Mock Elections
Senior mock elections, the only election that doesn’t matter but is better than the real thing!

October 11, 2016
Its that time of year again where seniors go crazy as they campaign and try to gain votes for senior mock election. The first round of voting took place Friday, October 7, and the second round will take place near the end of this week. This year many new categories have been added such as class klutz, best makeup, most likely to marry for money, and class mooch.
“I enjoy senior mock election, but I do feel like they are all based on popularity, that is why I am not running for any this year. My favorite category that they have this year is best makeup,” said senior Vanessa Myers.
“No I do not like mock elections, it is very stupid and people are making a big deal out of it. I am not running because there is no point and I do not enjoy any of the categories.” said senior Blake Baldwin
“I do enjoy mock elections. I think that it is fun and includes mostly everyone. I also like that there are so many different categories to choose from. This year I am running for most loveable, and my favorite category is worst driver,” said senior Nichelle Clark.
“I like mock elections because I like having people know who I am. I am running for Next Kanye West, and that is my favorite category as well,”said senior Chris Riddick
“I think mock elections are fun, but a popularity contest, and I do not really like that because your classmates are supposed to nominate you, you are not supposed to campaign for it, so that kind of takes some of the fun out of it. I am not running, but I hope to win Dynamic Duo with Maddy Ruiz. My favorite category this year is best laugh, ” said senior Allie Pufahl.
“I like mock elections because they are fun, I am running for most lovable and my favorite category is ‘Most likely to be mistaken as a freshman,'” said senior Russell Estill.
To all seniors nominated, good luck!
Senior Mock Election Categories:
- class mom and dad
- life of the party
- most likely to stay in West Bloomfield
- most lovable
- dynamic duo
- terrible trio
- teachers pet
- social media king and queen
- most likely to be mistaken as a freshman
- worst case of senioritis
- class couple
- class savage
- born in the wrong decade
- class clown
- most likely to be on Broadway
- concert fanatic
- most likely to go to the Olympics
- most likely to be on reality TV
- most likely to get married for money
- most likely to rule the world
- most likely to win the lottery and loose the ticket
- dream date
- most likely to need a ride
- class sneaker head
- best makeup
- most likely to cure cancer
- class ‘mooch’
- most likely to be late to graduation
- shopaholic
- drama queen and king
- class chatterbox
- next Kanye West
- next Beyonce
- most changed
- best dressed
- class klutz
- worst driver
- best smile
- best hair
- best laugh
- most opinionated
- class heart breaker