Another Prism for Another Year

WBHS music department hosts the annual Fall Prism concert

Finale for Prism – “The Awakening”

On Wednesday, October 16th 2013, West Bloomfield High School’s(WBHS) music department performed in the Fall Prism concert.  This tri-concert includes the Marching Band and all band classes, all orchestra classes and all choir classes. They held rehearsals for each class in the auditorium during their normal class time and a full concert rehearsal on Monday, October 14th. The concert surrounds the entire auditorium in a triangle shape and giving the audience a chance to experience this once a year extravagant event.  The evening was recorded by the high schools’ WB T.V. program and was run (lights/sound) by some of the WBHS student technicians. Donations for the music department were collected from the audience before the show began. Junior, Tatiana Habsburg says, “it is the best concert of the year because it ties all three forms of music the West Bloomfield has to offer together.” Sophomore, Lauren Alo agrees, stating, “I really liked getting to hear the bands and orchestra, because they are amazing, honestly, and its always a fun experience to mix with other music nerds.”

Band during Prism rehearsal
Band during Prism rehearsal


Laker Express during Prism Rehearsal
Laker Express during Prism Rehearsal

The performance opened with the Marching Band entering from the auditorium entrance and surrounding all parts of the auditorium and stage. From that point the show alternated between the choir, orchestra and band students. Each main class for choir, orchestra and band played/sang two songs. In addition there were four extra performances,  including a solo from a  Laker Express senior, Ameerah Shakoor, a piano solo by sophomore, Katrin Gurvich, a string quartet involving seniors,  Phillip Sylvester adnd Sarah Chang, and Juniors Raina Pintamo and Erica Slatin, and lastly was a jazz trio including senior, Christian Kolo and sophomores Seth Betman and Andrew McDonald. “I think it is a cool way for us to see all the three music departments here at the school,” states senior, Alex Birkinsha.

This is a program that has been a part of WBHS since around 1996, so for almost 20 years. This is a great experience for students to show off WBHS’ music department. The students involved work really hard to make the show run smoothly and sound amazing. This is a once a year opportunity for the students and it is something they will enjoy as a memory from their time at WBHS

Orchestra during Prism rehearsal
Orchestra during Prism rehearsal