Flash Mobs at the Middle School

West Bloomfield High School’s Freshman Peer Mentorship program heads to OLMS

On Thursday, October 10th 2013, West Bloomfield High School’s (WBHS) Freshman Peer Mentorship program, that consists of juniors and seniors, visited Orchard Lake Middle School (OLMS) during an assembly. The Peer Mentorship program was invited by OLMS to work with the 8th graders; the goal was to introduce the 8th graders to the high school mentors, answer questions about high school and work on team building. It was the peer mentoring students’ idea to end the morning with a flash mob. Ms. Kelli Tyranski, one of the instructing teachers for the Peer Mentorship program this year, stated that, “our visit to OLMS promoted the Peer Mentorship class here at the high school, and also promoted community building and collaborating across grade levels.”

Mentor-ship at OLMS

The Peer Mentorship program chose to do the same song and performance that the staff did during the Homecoming pep assembly this year. They were taught the dance by Ms. Tyranski, who was taught by Ms. Ruggero when the staff learned it themselves. The song and dance was based off the final number in the movie Pitch Perfect. Ms. Tyranski adds, “this is a new experience for the Peer Mentorship program, and because it went so well, we would love to do it again next year!” The Peer Mentorship program worked on the plans for OLMS for about three weeks after the idea was presented to Principal, Mr. Thomas Shelton by OLMS’ Principal, Mr. Morrison Borders.

Mentor-ship at OLMS 2

Senior and second year mentor, Alex Witulski states, “it was really fun , because we got to show the 8th graders that high school is a fun place to be.” Alex worked as one of the MCs  along with junior, Robbie Jones for the event; they got to lead in the Humpty Dumpty activity, introduce programs and get the 8th grades used to the activities that would take place that morning. Robbie adds that the flash-mob performance, “went OK; everyone remembered the dance and a few 8th graders even joined in.” The OLMS Outreach Activity was a great way for the Mentorship Program to promote the Mentorship class at WBHS and create a link between the 8th graders and WBHS’ juniors and seniors. Ms. Tyranski adds that, “The overall experience was great! The Peer Mentorship students were full of energy, enthusiasm, great advice, and plenty of smiles.” Alex adds, “This gives us more experience to have leadership roles and the ability to connect with our freshman more.”

This is an experience the Peer Mentorship hopes to bring to the Abbott Middle School 8th graders as well and Robbie adds it’s “probably something we would do again as part of the class.” The flash mob was successful and gave the 8th graders a look into the world of high school.