AP Test Tips

AP students share their best tips on aiming for success on this year’s AP exams.

Lauryn Azu

As the month of April comes to a close, WBHS students taking AP tests during the beginning of May are in a mad dash to prepare for their upcoming exams. We asked AP test takers about there best tips for succeeding on these difficult exams! Read them all below to find out how your fellow students plan to succeed this May.

“If there is a review course offered by a teacher, do that because it really helped me last year, and I’m hoping that it will help me again this year,” said Andrew Schaeffler, a sophomore who is taking the AP U.S. History exam this year.  Many AP teachers are offering AP exam review sessions after school, so if you’re planning to do well on the exam, definitely attend!

“Try and go for the best understanding of the material, and go in with a positive attitude and just do your best,” said Alexander Pallazola, senior. He is taking the AP Literature exam, the AP Physics 1 exam, as well as the AP Biology, AP Chemistry and AP BC Calculus exams.

It’s impossible to cram everything you have learned over the course of many months into the night before the big test. If you still have a couple days before your exam, try to go over the topics you struggled most with, or the skills that you will need to know most for your exam.

“Go into the class with a lot of confidence, and make sure you study beforehand, because if you don’t, it won’t go well,” said Kori Maxie, senior, who is taking the AP BC Calculus and AP Statistics exams.

Attitude is everything! If you need help with motivation, or are daunted by the enormous task that AP tests demand, remember that you aren’t alone! Millions of high schoolers from across the country are experiencing what you are facing right now, and very rarely are people completely comfortable with testing for up to 3 1/2 hours straight.

“Don’t stress to much, and at the end of the day, you either you know it you don’t. Don’t spend so much time trying to cram it all in. Spend a little but of time reviewing before. Concentrate on getting enough sleep, and show up for the test. If it happens, it happens,” said WBHS counselor Mr. Jeffery Martinez.

It’s important to remember that your score doesn’t define you. If your test doesn’t go so well, remember that you don’t even have to submit AP exam scores to colleges if you don’t want to. Also, the score you get on the exam doesn’t reflect the dynamic education you have gained while taking your AP course.

“I would recommend studying way ahead of time and really prioritizing your time with a test schedule,” Pooja Natarajan, senior, who is taking the AP Physchology, AP BC Calculus, and AP Statistics exams.

Prioritizing time for AP studying is important, but it’s also important to take some time to reflect and repose. Studying and testing can be overwhelming to many students, especially if you’re taking multiple exams.

Last but not least; “Wait until you’re done taking the test to cry about it, because if you cry while you’re taking the test you’ll just lose time,” said sophomore Anna Bai, who is taking the AP Biology exam. After all, it’s better to have at least attempted the exam rather than leaving it blank.

Good luck to all Lakers taking tests this May! With our advice, you’re sure to get the score you want.