West Bloomfield Football defeats Troy, 41-7 on Homecoming weekend

After eight straight losses, West Bloomfield pulls out a big win over the Trojans.

On Friday, October 4th, 2013, the WBHS football team took down Troy High School, 41-7. The Lakers had lost to the Colts of Troy the prior eight straight meetings, and on Friday finally notched a win.

It all started when the Lakers had a touchdown less than five minutes after kickoff- they did not stop from there. Fast forward to when it is 34-0 in favor of the Lakers with the first half winding down. The Lakers were on their own 20-yard line, and decided to run last play before the half. They took a short screen pass 80 yards to the end zone to go up 41-0 at the half, and that was what seemed to be the nail in the coffin.

In the second half, the Lakers pumped the brakes and coasted into the finish line, giving up only seven points in the second half and scoring none. The final score was a 41-7 win, and the game was not close the entire time.

While the offense put on a clinic in the first half, the real star of the game was the defense. Throughout the whole game, they only gave up seven points in 48 minutes of gametime. The entire time, it seemed the Troy offense was not getting anything going.

Probably the best part of the game, though, was the crowd. The West Bloomfield stands were full and the student section was vibrant, to say the least. It was a “pink-out” where all students wore pink to support breast cancer. The crowd was electric the entire time, and finished off just like they started, with the student section storming the field after the big win.