We Have Spirit, Do You?

The dictionary defines pep rally as a meeting, as of students before an athletic contest, to stimulate group enthusiasm by rousing talks, cheers, etc. Over the years, it has evolved to mean a lot more.

“Pep assemblies have grown to symbolize a lot more than just a sporting event. They’re a means for different organizations to promote themselves,” teacher Mr. James Corcoran said.

“They raise school spirit and get the people ready to win a game,” Homecoming Queen Senior Daphne Cantuba said.

“They make different classes compete against each other in a fun way,” Senior Deirdre Rainey said.

“A pep rally is something that gets people excited for an upcoming event,” Junior Tara Naoum said.

2013’s West Bloomfield Homecoming Pep rally was held on October 4 in the high school’s gym. On one side sat the seniors and sophomores, on the other the juniors and freshmen.

The Laker Express kicked off the pep rally by singing Under Pressure. “It was really cool singing at the last pep assembly as a three year Laker Express member,” Senior Erin Ben-Moche said.

Then, in a line, came in all the Laker clubs and sports. The nominated homecoming court followed.  For the freshmen, Kendall Veasey and Ryan Ishbia. For the sophomore, Bianca Hoban and Nathan Pasternak. For the juniors, Brooke Bain and Jacob Rashty. For the seniors, Briana Karcho and Eric Litman, Daphne Cantuba and Chris Watkins, and Morgan Flynn and Nina Fan.

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Girls’ Pom then performed a dance West Bloomfield has never seen before. They danced to “You make me want to shout,” a Brittany Spears song, “Bye Bye Bye,” “Applause”, and “Single Ladies.”

“I love being with a such a close group of friends. I’ve never had a bad time at a game or practice,” Junior Lauren Stahl said.


The teachers also danced.


West Bloomfield’s cheer time had their own routine to raise the students’ spirit.


Then select groups from every class came down to represent their grade.


As per tradition, girls’ and boys’ poms came out to perform their annual dance. They danced to “Barbie World,” “Girls Just wanna have fun,” “ Come and get it,” “Treasure,” and “The way.”

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The pep assembly wrapped up by having each grade scream at the top of their lungs so that the Spirit Jug will capture it forever.