Spring Fashion Show returns after a five-year hiatus

Fashion students modeling prom dresses from Hermz Boutique.

Lauryn Azu and Ari Felhandler

After a five-year hiatus, WBHS Fashion Club members and Fashion Merchandising class students put on the 2018 Spring Fashion Show this past Tuesday, March 27 in the auditorium. Students collaborated to showcase loaned apparel from various retailers including Men’s Wearhouse, Nojo Kicks, Hermz, DDMine, Glamour Puss, WBHS Athletics, Guyz N Gals, Sum Girls Boutique, and more.  

According to Fashion Merchandising teacher Ms. Julie Zalla,”The students had requested for the fashion class to come back, and along with it many of them expressed interest in another high school fashion show.” 

Zack Goldman, senior,  displayed his talent with technology behind the scenes by controlling the music and lighting. He commented, “The fashion show has been a really interesting and fun process this year. We began by choosing our committees and working in different ways that interested us as individuals. Whether it was choreography, hospitality, or music among other things there was something for everyone to help with in their own way. By the day of the show, everyone doing their part came together to put on a great performance.”

Show organizer Kayla Zrepskey, senior, highlighted on the hard work and focus required to organize the event by explaining,  “It took a lot of work and communication with each other and with all of the stores involved. We started by reaching out to local stores to get them interested in loaning clothes and donated raffle items.” She continued on the day to day responsibilities, “Then we had to make all the tickets and raffle tickets and make sure that everyone was finishing their committee roles. Then we had rehearsal and that’s when it all really came together and then we had the amazing show!”

“My favorite piece to model was the piece I choreographed myself which was the Men’s Wearhouse performance,” commented McKinley Lowery III, senior, who was a model in the event. “We had to come up with moves, teach the other models, and practice, practice practice,” he continued.

This fashion show was unique because the presentation of each line of clothing included a choreographed dance for models to perform. Models also were provided professional hair and makeup services by On the Fly Blowout Bar. All of the proceeds from this event went towards the WBHS DECA Program and also the Class of 2018 Prom.