Macbeth, Macbeth

Janelle Karana, Writer

Macbeth has just been announced as the 2018-2019 school year fall play. The auditions were held after school on Tuesday, September 18th. To audition, a 45 to 60 second monologue from another Shakespeare play was required. After auditions, the email regarding information for callbacks were sent out. The callbacks were held in the forum, after school on Thursday September 20th. The students went back to perform a short scene from Macbeth. The directors chose who they thought fit the best part for each character.

Early Friday morning, the cast list was posted. The students have to sign their names next to their role. The names should have gotten signed or their role would have been given up to someone else. Macbeth tech is starting Tuesday, september 25 after school. Tech will start at approximately 2:15 and will end at around 4:30. Good luck to all our performers and the team behind the curtain!