A Celebration for Solar Energy

A Celebration for Solar Energy

Deepa Jha and Janelle Karana

The words “global warming” bring a lot of thoughts to someone’s head. From pollution to greenhouse gases, a lot of things factor into global warming and climate change. The Earth Club at West Bloomfield High School has been helping the Earth ever since 2016 by introducing a plan to power the school with solar panels.

When the plan was first introduced, the club planned to power the science department by 2020. With the plan executed 2 years early, the club has a lot to celebrate.

To unveil and commemorate the addition, the club planned a solar array celebration at West Bloomfield High School at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, October 11. The celebration started out by the panels (located by the tennis courts). Then, by 6, the party moved to Laker Commons where students presented a video about the solar array with refreshments being served. After the presentation, some guests spoke about the benefits of solar energy and how to further implement it.

Laith Kayat, a member of Earth Club, commented that “My favorite part of the evening was after the presentation. Being able to speak with all the guests that are just as passionate about the Earth as we are about where they come from and how they plan to follow our plans.”

As for the future, the club is trying to get the new middle school to be 100% powered by solar electricity. Along with this, the club educates younger children in the elementary and middle schools about the importance of renewable energy.

To join Earth Club, contact sponsor, Joshua Barclay, at [email protected]


Students installing the solar array panels. Credit to: @wbhsearth (Twitter)
Earth Club members gathering after the installation. Credit to: @wbhsearth (Twitter)