Que? Nani? Quoi?

The language clubs at WBHS make an impact on students

French 4 and 5 students and club members: Knar Topozian, Catherine Hug, Lana Sharba, Anushka Sarkar, Kendra Jones, Audrey Goldstein, Miranda Shammami, Erica Telinski, Samantha Rothe, Molly McLaughlins, Megan Smith, Marie-Therese Wolhelm, Briana Karcho, Alvaro Herrera, and Cullen Hudson.

West Bloomfield High School offers students a variety of strong language programs. Students are required  to take a least two years of a language class and get to choose from either French, Spanish or Japanese. In addition to getting to experience the culture and language in class, WBHS offers three clubs to students who are passionate about the language they are learning. There is  French Club, sponsored by Madame Lorig Coe, Spanish club, sponsored by Senor Gregory Vennettilli, and Japanese club, sponsored by Sensei Marie Arao. All these clubs have extremely involved students and they offer the WBHS population a lot more  exposure to cultures outside of America.


The French club, French Connection, has three Co-Presidents/Officers; they are, seniors, Anushka Sarkar, Chole Pan and junior, Gaelle Mace and they meet every other Wednesday. Sarkar states that  the club focuses,” on culture in Francophone countries like Senegal, pen pal correspondence, cooking days, celebration of French holidays (like Mardi Gras and Epiphanie), presentations on colloquial French culture & teenage experiences in France.” She also adds that the club is a huge benefit to the student body because, “French Connection is a wonderful way for students to explore the French culture in its entirety, whether they take an interest in its music, the art, the food, or everything about it.


The Spanish club, Spanish Tertulia, meets every other Tuesday. Their club board includes juniors, President, Maxim Vinogradov, Vice President, Jarrell Ku,  Treasurer, Antara Ajjampur  and Secretary, Nicole Dean. Vinogradov states that the plan for Spanish club this year there is “a chance of a salsa/guacamole cook off, involvement in the international food day, charity work (so far we have given things to salvation army and future work for churches and hospitals in Mexican Town) and the charity work will definitely help the West Bloomfield community.”  Vinogradov adds that Spanish club helps WBHS  students though the knowledge found and shared by its members during meetings, since “every meeting has presentations of cities and the culture.”

Robetro Escallante (11th grade) and Seth Goldgrab (10th grade) from the Spanish club
Robetro Escallante (11th grade) and Seth Goldgrab (10th grade)


The Japanese club’s board includes: President, Rachel Hirsch (senior),Vice President,  Al Brenner (senior), Treasurer, Jennifer Huang (senior), Historian, Nina Fan (senior), Secretary, Alana Levy-Goldstein,  General officer, Kayla Taub (senior) and General Officer, Miyu Nishidaand.  The Japanese club normally holds meetings every Monday, switching off between board meetings and general club meetings. Hirsch states that for her job, “organizing everything is the biggest requirement. This year we really defined the different jobs of the officers, so with the officers doing specific job, mine has become to really organize it all together in to one great club.” She also informs that the Japanese club has “lots of super fun stuff planned for this year, we have game days, movie days, food days, culture days, and even a super secret project we are trying to plan!”

Tyra Bricase, Alana Goldstein, Waverly Eubank, Lilianne Pukharmbam, Mel Palmer, Pallai Kurakula, and Tyler Reynolds
Tyra Bricase, Alana Goldstein, Waverly Eubank, Lilianne Pukharmbam, Mel Palmer, Pallai Kurakula, and Tyler Reynold from the Japanese Club




Come check out the Language Clubs offered by WBHS and explore the world.