Give Back a Little

Give Back a Little

West Bloomfield loves its teachers and administration, and to show its appreciation, they scheduled the week of January 6th to January 11th to be staff appreciation week. Unfortunately, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of that week were snow days. The leadership class still went through with its plans and committed to making the staff feel appreciated on Thursday and Friday. On Thursday, the staff could go to a hired cappuccino man for coffee. On Friday, the staff was served pizza and salad for lunch.

“There is a lovely lunch being served today for the staff. More importantly, it just feels good to be appreciated,” Teacher Ms. Marlowe B’sheart said.

“It is a great feeling to give a little back to the teachers,” senior Briana Karcho said.

“I’m glad we’re being recognized. It makes you feel appreciated and good,” teacher Ms. Alison Davis said.

“It was very rewarding. I think it’s good to show the staff that students really appreciate the hard work that they do even if they don’t tell them every day,” senior Olivia Chang said.

“I really appreciate how all my teachers actually g out of their way to make sure that their students do well in school. Teachers are understanding because whenver you have a problem, you can go to them and talk about it. We should give back because not everybody actually recognizes everything they do for us and we should show them that we look up to them,” junior Arhum Mahmood.