United We Walk

The 20th annual United We Walk celebration

United We Walk

On Sunday January 19th, 2014 at 3 o’clock p.m., people from all over Oakland County gathered in front of West Bloomfield High School to represent their organizations and support the 20th annual United We Walk celebration. United We Walk is held every year in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. People arrived to the WBHS jazz band performing. During the walk, the West Bloomfield police department closed Orchard Lake Road for an hour so the walk could occur smoothly. The WBHS winter drum line led the walk. There was hot chocolate waiting for the walkers to warm up in the school parking lot.

Following the walk, a program was held in the WBHS auditorium. Many people spoke and were recognized such as Carolyn Clifford, news anchor at WXYZ-TV, a second grader from Roosevelt Elementary, Sonia Ramirez who won the button design contest for the walk, Wesley Berry Jr., owner of Wesley Berry flowers who was recognized as the Community Leader Winner, and many more. WBHS Laker Express, Choral Groups, and Orchestra performed along with Legacy Dance Studio and the Roosevelt Elementary School poetry readings. Directly after the program there was a candlelight vigil where there was a special memorial tribute to Rev. Dr. David W. Robertson and David A. Henig.

Once the candlelight vigil finished, everyone was invited to the school cafeteria for the community dinner. Many local restaurants, grocery stores, and organizations, such as Whole Foods, Leo’s Coney Island, Al-Oumara, Muslim Unity Center, Orchard Lake Community Church, Temple Kol Ami, etc., donated food for this event. The WBHS jazz band performed during the dinner. Overall, United We Walk was a great experience for the community.