You Have Been Accepted! Now What?

What to expect for your freshman year of college

You Have Been Accepted! Now What?

According to ‘The Choice’ blog from the New York Times, there are seven MAJOR things that a graduating senior needs to know about college, before their freshman year. These seven include:

  1. You have control over your courses
  2. Every class counts
  3. You are EXPECTED to do a lot of the work on your own
  4. The testing is often by “sampling”
  5. College papers are MORE than just reports
  6. You don’t have to pick a major in your first year
  7. The professors would like to help you succeed

Yet, there has to be more to expect for college. More that graduating seniors should know and understand before leaving the their world of high school tests, activities, parties, and lifestyles. Spectrum found WBHS Alumni to give advice to graduating seniors on what to expect for college.

When it comes to understanding things you should know for college, alumni state:

“I would advise to make sure you have a budget for things that you are going to buy. Everything. Including school supplies. If you are not fortunate enough to have your parents pay for everything, make sure you are ready to pay some bills,” states Tom Lee (2011 Graduate).

Ashley Naftaly (2013 Graduate) adds that, “there are a lot of opportunities that you can take advantage of at your school that is in the direction of your major that can really put you ahead of other students. So take advantage of those opportunities.”

Tom Lee informs that, “from high school, the best thing to do is stay in good contact with the teachers who helped you the most through high school. They may help you get a job in the future…Just make the best of it now and for those who have a good track record of studying, keep that skill.”

“College will teach you how to choose which people to include in your life. It may sound harsh, but when you’re pursuing a higher education you really can’t afford to waste time on people who don’t have your best interests at heart and might hold you back from being the best you can be. That may mean leaving behind some old friendships and acquaintances,” states Brian Baylor (2013 Graduate).

Now, you can Google and web search all you want but you will never truly understand what is out there until you experience it yourself. Good luck!