Keep Talking Till the Bell Rings

Seniors of West Bloomfield Debate say their goodbyes

After such a terrific year for the West Bloomfield Debate team, they say goodbye to 8 of their seniors to the graduation rush. The seniors of WBHS Debate include Aloysious Brenner, Saheli Ghosh, Douglas (Doug) Husic, Alejandro Miranda-Casb, Chloe Pan, Anushka Sarkar, Rachel Hirsch, Robbie Pluta and Daniel Wu. “The debate team has been like a second family to me, I guess I would say. It has been really enriching. I have learned more in it then I have probably learned in any classroom or high school otherwise. It’s been an amazing experience,” states Husic. Pan adds that, “I would honestly say that debate was the best thing that ever happened to me in high school, just because I met so many amazing and incredible people through the activity. Looking back, I can’t imagine what high school would have been like if I’ve never become friends with those people.”

Wu states that “debate has taught me to multitask, listen carefully, take good notes, analyze what others are saying, speak extemporaneously, take on a challenge, and always to stick it out to the end. I also improved my reading skills and for a while I could read almost 300 words per minute.” Sarkar adds that, “debate has taught me how to research, think on my feet, build an argument, to have ethos, to sway a decision, and most importantly, debate has taught me critical thinking.”

Husic also states that “it is hard to pin down a favorite experience, but my favorite competitive moment would be competing at states this year. But just as like a moment as a team as a whole, just us having a good time, would probably be the hotel stay when we went to Grand Valley State tournament. We spent three nights at a hotel and had an amazing pillow fight and a prank war.  It was just one of the most fun experiences to have with not just the kids but also with the coaches.” Sarkar adds, “my favorite memories from debate include spending time with the team at tournaments, and the final round of my debate career with Doug Husic at states.”

When asked to describe their experience in one word the seniors gave incredibly diverse yet similar answers:

Douglas Husic: “Fantastic!”

Anushka Sarkar: “Indescribable!”

Daniel Wu: “Constructive!”

Chloe Pan: “Unforgettable!”

Robert Pluta: “Intellectual!”

These graduates send equal thank yous and goodbyes to their coaches, WBHS teacher, Mr. Joel Thursam, and Wayne State students Craig Hennigan, Jake Justice and Talya Slaw. Sarkar states to Thursam, “Thanks for being the best coach we could have asked for.” Husic adds, “I would like to thank the debate team as a whole. No matter the differences we have had between each other we are a family through and through.” Lastly, Pan continues on stating, “can’t thank them enough to having created this amazing family, and to any younger students, who aren’t seniors, not matter how scary and intimidating debate may seem, it is such an open and receptive community that anyone can honestly join it. If you are interested you should definitely join it.”

Congratulations WBHS debate seniors on your accomplishments this year and on your graduation. May many great things come your way.