Snow Melts but Memories Do Not

Seniors on the ski team reflect on their past seasons

Adrian Oliver skiing at past competition

Adrian Oliver

Adrian Oliver skiing at past competition

The West Bloomfield High School Ski Team has had another eventful season and another set of goodbyes to their talented seniors. The seniors of the Ski team include Brody Berry, Adrian Oliver, Alexa Applefield, Rudy Borland, Max Goldman, Tori Stark, and Chris Chiaravalli. “I love ski team, because I really get to ski a lot, like every single day of the week, and it really improves your skiing. I have had a lot of good friends on it, been on it four years, its just a great thing to do if you like skiing or even if you want to get into skiing,” states Chiaravalli. Berry states, “ski team was fun, I started skiing with them actually when I was in eighth grade and then through freshman year I was officially on the team. It has been a great experience. I was captain the last two year, actually co-captain last year and a captain this year. Its been a lot of fun.” Oliver adds, “I made a lot of friendships. It taught me to come out of my shell, once my bother was off of ski team I had to learn how to make friends myself.”

When asked what ski team taught them, Chiaravalli states that ski team “has taught me that support of the whole team is really crucial, because without the support of the whole team you’re really on your own, and its taught me responsibility, I really needed to do my homework promptly because I had to go to skiing and I would be there for hours.” Berry adds, “it make me a social person, it made me like talking to people. I meet a lot of people, probably like hundreds of kids now that I didn’t know before because of ski team. It teaches you a lot, like how to work as a team, even though it is an individual sport. And it helped me a lot with leadership.”

Oliver states her favorite experience was, “regionals last year, it was so warm that we took off our JS suits and walked around in our tank tops, and just tanned.”

Thank yous go to Coach Heather, Coach Jason and WBHS for having a ski team that these seniors got to enjoy for their years in high school.