Scoring Memories That Count More Than Points

Girls Lacrosse Seniors talk about their current and past seasons

This is the third year for the WBHS Lacrosse team and they have had a rough start to a season due to the weather. Soon they will experience a rough goodbye as it says goodbye to seniors who have been with the team from the beginning. The seniors of the girls lacrosse team are Lexi Cook, Madison Sparkman, Olivia Sax, Sarah Harnish, and Yazmyn Cross.  “It was a learning experience for everyone. We were building the team because we started the team my sophomore year, and it was just a great experience to have because you had to all work together to make the team and make everything work out,” states Lexi Cook. Thank yous go to their previous coaches, Dr. Jill Adamczyk and Mrs. Ellen Strzalkowski.