Taking a Swing at the Future

Congrats to WBHS Softball seniors

This year’s goal for the West Bloomfield High School’s softball team is the district tournament championship. With the addition of a JV team this year a strong group of seniors is greatly important. A strong foundation is clearly the goal of the team’s coach, Mr Shaun Turkelson , West Bloomfield High School science teacher.” We have had fun building a foundation on which to learn how to stay dedicated to a process of accomplishing the goals we set for ourselves,” says Turkelson.  For a rapidly growing sport the seniors are an absolutely key part for success. Turkelson comments that the seniors, “have worked very hard and gone through many changes.  They will have left a legacy of helping the others learn what it takes to reach goals and have success.” He continues to discuss each senior player,” Bri Benge has committed to play at Ursuline College next year.  Has done a wonderful job in the outfield for us this season. Served as one of our 2 captains. Erica Teklinski is a very consistent player at third base this season and a quiet leader. Danielle Kus plays a great middle infield (shortstop, second base) and has been an outstanding lead-off hitter for us and a captain. And  It was Nadiya Griffin’s first year in the program and she has done a nice job of keeping our spirits up and helping us work hard toward our goals.” All of the seniors, experienced or not, have participated greatly to the sport and will be greatly missed during next year’s season.
