Goodbye Green Seniors!

Earth Club keeps busy with various projects to make WBHS more environmentally friendly


Senior Executive Members Daniel Wu and Sonya Royzenblat

In April, West Bloomfield High School’s Earth Club reached their goal of achieving Evergreen status for the school. The members of Earth Club have been working hard to ensure that WBHS achieved Evergreen status by the end of this year under the supervision of physics teacher Mr. Joshua Barclay. To reach Evergreen status the school must complete 20 or more environment related activities such as sponsoring an animal, planning to create a garden behind the school, an eco-reading program, and various types of recycling throughout the school. “This is the first year we achieved Evergreen Status, the highest level for Michigan Green Schools. But what is more important is all the good stuff we did for the Earth. I don’t really care about the label but it gave us a good outline on what we needed to get done this year and we got it done,” says Barclay.

Along with all these activities, the Earth Club also organized the annual Earth Fair held in May.”I’m in the club mainly for Earth Fair, it’s my favorite part of Earth Club,” says senior Daniel Wu who has been a member for three years. The Earth Fair was held on Tuesday, May 20th, 2014 in the cafeteria hallway and involved many different booths to promote being green. The booths included informational stands such as How to Save Energy at Home, Carbon Fueled Emissions, AP Environmental Science, etc. Also, there were interactive booths like organic fruit smoothies, henna, “cheese for trees” (grilled cheese for sale), and many more.

All these activities are organized by the Earth Club executive board. Seniors on executive board include Jennifer Oliver, Nina Fan, Jackie Pakulski, Asma Al-Khshali, Ramira Sandhu, Saheli Ghosh, Zoe Kaufman, Sonya Royzenblat, Chloe Pan and Wu. Although this is the last year for these seniors to be part of Earth Club, it is not their last chance to stay conscious about the environment. Hopefully, as they grow and continue on with their lives, they will carry the environmentally-friendly consciousness displayed by Earth Club.