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Congrats on a great year DECA seniors

This year the DECA (Distributed Educational Clubs of America) finalists traveled to the DECA regionals to compete against schools all over the country.  Mr. Hunt says “We had a great time being there with the kids and helping them prepare for the competition. The kids had equally as much fun as I did and I am very proud of them.”  The competition ended in a great result with all of the finalists receiving a medal to go back home and show off. On May 5th the DECA regional finalists made their way to Atlanta to compete once again. Congratulations to Marla Abdulnoor, Mitchell Bailey, Yaman Dalati, Will Grakul, Omer Khan, Sean Stephens. JJ Bloom, Alex Kay, Zachary Oshinsky, Shane Sperling, Ted Stawiarski, Vikram Mathias, James Hu, Chloe Pan, Jaeden Jackson, Lauren Kavner, Elizabeth Merzin, Monica Merzin, Jake Wolok, Collin Yaldo, David Haran, Ben Tomkovicz, Austin Vance, Jacob Seidel, Dean Myrto, Mekhi Stribling, Rodriana Caldwell, Kennedy Jones. Omar Hamama, Tori Stark, Christine Opera, Teodora Lazar, Kevin Zawaideh, Joey Boruta, Anushka Sarkar, Rupin Balabhadra, Jessica Rabban, Sofia Belcastro, Sabrina Kharsa, Nicholas Lekas, Nicholas Foster, Max Sandberg, James Hu, Conor Schram and Katie O’Shaughnessy.