Move to the Beat

The last dance of high school

Move to the Beat

Prom is an important event that takes place during high school. Almost everyone looks forward to this dance. The homecoming dances are not as anticipated as prom because they happen every year, while prom only takes place once during a high school career: senior year. Prom is a celebration that seniors look forward to. Dancing and celebrating the closing of one chapter of life, Prom is one of the highlights of high school, the silver lining. Prom is more than just another dance. Prom is an event that signifies the end of high school, and the beginning of the rest of seniors’ lives. Seniors only have senior prom once, which means that everything must be perfect. This includes hair, makeup, and the way students dress. “Prom is the experience that I have been waiting for throughout my entire high school experience! I ca not wait, it is going to be the best night ever!” said senior Deja Green. The fashions showcased from prom are fashions that may become archaic in the future, however, it will remain in the memory of many seniors as they grow old.