Law Club Appeals to Students

As one of the biggest clubs in the school, Law Club has lots of events and activities each year

As the school year comes around yet again, so do the many clubs and activities at West Bloomfield High School, one of which is the Law Club. The Law Club is for students who want to get involved in law and politics. Students get to hear guest speakers talk about law, they get to do activities associated with law and they get to represent their school in various settings.

“In the past we’ve had state representatives, judges, and even political science students at nearby colleges come to speak to the club and share their experiences,” said junior Law Club member Neil Haran.

“We have over 100 members in Law Club,” said Law Club sponsor Ms. Alycia Chase, who also teaches US History and AP Government at West Bloomfield High School. It is one of the biggest clubs in the school.

Students get to experience a variety of activities as a member of Law Club. According to their agenda, which is provided by Chase to all members of Law Club, they can go to a real courthouse and participate in actual cases– after being trained by Nancy Ellis of the Oakland County Prosecutor’s office prior to attending.

“I love doing teen court because it’s a real life experience,” said senior Law Club member Jianella Macalino, “it’s also great because it gives me community service hours as well.”

Students are also able to go on a trip to Washington D.C. in the spring, where they are able to immerse themselves in politics by meeting politicians and others from around the country that share the students’ interest in politics. This trip can also earn students a college credit.

The board members for Law Club this year are seniors Emma Huez, Jasmine Morigney, Alex McDonough and Jesse Jeppesen, and juniors Kathie Wu, Neil Haran and Grant Keyvanmanesh. Every year the club selects a president and a vice president, but they have yet to be named this year.

“Students should really join Law Club,” said senior board member Emma Huez, “It allows students to get directly involved in their local government and meet local officials.”