Summer Memories 2014

Students visit exotic and new places during summer break

Summer of 2014  ended leaving the students of West Bloomfield High School reflecting on their memories.  During the summer students went across state lines, visited different cities and explored nature. The absence of school left time for students to learn more about themselves and their surroundings.

Students flocked to the city during the summer.  Chicago and New York were the students favorites.  Jordyn Rosario (grade 10), Ari Felhandler (grade 9), and Jameson Draper (grade 12) visited Chicago over the summer. Rosario cheered her uncle on at a triathlon that ran through the city.  ” I loved the city!” Jordyn explained, ” It never stops going.”   Felhandler visited the Willis Tower, a glass building which allows people to stand on top of Chicago.  Felhandler went to the city to observe its architecture and attend the Cubs Baseball game.  “I went to Chicago not only to have fun and shop, but to learn.” Felhandler states.  Draper attended the music festival Lollapalooza.  Draper said, ” It was my first festival, it was an awesome experience.”


      Another city visited by WBSH students was New York.  Lauren Azu went to New York for a week this past summer.  She visited the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art, Manhattan and went shopping. Azu also visited the September 9/11 memorial to pay her respects.  Azu explained, “ The phrase, ‘The city never sleeps’ doesn’t explain the vibrant colors and hum of the city.”

      North Carolina was the center of Brenna Birr’s summer.  Birr is a junior at WBHS and participates diligently in the school’s theater department.  Birr spent her summer on three stages, North Carolina, New Jersey and Milwaukee.  When asked what she thought about the places she went and where she would recommend , Birr responded, “I don’t recommend Virginia Beach because it is so humid, its like you are swimming in air.”  Other than the humidity of the beach, Birr enjoyed her summer thoroughly and is ready to take on the school year.

      A new experience taken by Rielly Card ( grade 10), was attending a Literary camp in Inapallis at St. Johns College.  Card learned a lot and had a great experience at the camp. Card notes on a specific lesson she learned at camp, “ The experience really helped me develop the ability to quickly formulate a thought.”  Another student who attended a literary experienced this summer was Tara Naoum (grade 12).  She interned at the Chaldean newspaper throughout the summer.  Naoum learned a lot and loved the time she spent there.  Naoum also found time to enjoy three concerts, MKTO, The Fray and Katy Perry.

Madison Ruiz (grade 10), finished her summer with  the One Direction concert at Ford Field, August 16, 2014.  The concert was so popular in the Detroit area that the band added another show on August 17, 2014.  Five Seconds of Summer opened for One Direction.  Both boy bands are foreign. One Direction is a British Boy band and Five Seconds Of Summer is Australian.  Ruiz attended the concert with her two friends, Jenna Rainy and Madison Mikafiver.  Ruiz explained, “I have been there from the start.”  Ruiz and her friends are true Directioners.


      Continuing a learning process when school is not in session is important and WBHS students have educated themselves in different ways throughout the summer.  The summer allowed students to explore and choose how to manage their time.  For some students this meant sleeping in and going to the beach, for others it means exploring cities or visiting national sites.  The summer of 2014 past fast but students will never forget its memories.