Fighting off “Senioritis” with College Applications

Class of 2015 looking ahead into the future with college acceptance and college decisions looming

Fighting off "Senioritis" with College Applications

With winter approaching, it is time for aspiring college students to send in their applications for  the fall of 2015.

Applications started coming out late in the summer. “I applied right when the application came out,” said West Bloomfield High School (WBHS) senior Chase Yarber, when talking about his Michigan State application, “there are rolling admissions, so I needed to apply as quick as possible.”

Some schools, such as popular local school Michigan State University, do what is called “rolling admissions.” That means that once the school starts reviewing applications– which is not until early October according to MSU senior admissions counselor Terence Brown– they accept as they go instead of accepting them all after the deadline for applications.

Another popular school students are applying to is the prestigious University of Michigan, which is on the common application. The common application, usually called the “common app”, is an application that students fill out and then proceed to send to up to 500 colleges instead of filling out a different application for every school.

While it is easier to send applications to several schools with the common app, it has its downsides as well. When it is that easy to just click a box to send one’s application to a school, a lot more students apply that have higher aspirations, meaning that it might be harder for those who are on the border to get into the school. “I only applied to Michigan on the common app,” said senior Arielle Davidson, “I know it’s going to be harder for me to get in because it’s on the common app, and it’s not even helping me– I didn’t even apply to other schools.”

While some students are still working on applications, transcripts and the sending of ACT scores, some are already in the process of getting accepted. “I applied to Western Michigan in early September and at the end of September I already received my acceptance letter,” said senior Narmina Nesimova.

Even as early as October 8th, students from West Bloomfield High School received acceptance into Michigan State. In the coming weeks, more schools and more students will begin accepting students.