Students Recognize Importance of VIP Club

In most cases, “VIP” stands for just one thing: Very Important Person. In this case, though, the acronym VIP Club stands for Volunteer Impact Program, however every person in this in this club is well on their way to becoming very important people themselves. VIP Club is headed up by West Bloomfield High School (WBHS) staff member Mr. William Bishop, who teaches Spanish.

The club is essentially one that goes around organizing and performing volunteer work on behalf of the members of the club and West Bloomfield High School itself. Students immerse themselves in VIP Club because they want to help out the community while getting community service hours at the same time.

“I love VIP Club because it gives me a good opportunity to help out the community,” said senior member Jasmine Morigney, “it also looks great as an extracurricular for college applications.”

Every year, the VIP Club organizes the canned food drive, where 1st hour classes at WBHS compete to bring in the most canned food. They also go to Gleaner’s Food Bank for a whole day volunteering and helping people at the food bank.

This year’s board members on VIP Club are as follows: Senior Jonny Nirenberg is President, senior Courtney Chase is Vice President, senior Dua Malik is treasurer and junior Rooha Tariq is secretary.