The House is Open

Alison Zywicki

Spectrum writers Ajah Williams (sophomore) and Tara Naoum (junior) interviewing Peer Mentor Britney Birr (senior).

The annual West Bloomfield High School 27th open house was held on September 9th, 2013. The hallways were filled with confused parents, helping mentors, and nervous students. When asked “What are your expectations for the year?” student Nia Greer, 11th grade, responded “I just want to have a great year. I want everything to run smooth and be perfect. ” The parents walked from class to class just like their child would do on a regular school day. Mentor Brittany Birr, 12th grade, says, “My parents like meeting the teachers. Meeting the teachers help them better understand how to deal with school situations concerning me.” In the classrooms the teachers shared their opinion of what a successful school year looks like and ways of achieving that. Elements include following their classroom rules, extra credit opportunities, and being involved. Teacher Mr.  Joel Hunt, who teaches marketing, described Decca and the benefits of it. Teacher Ms. Jenifer Tobias, responds to the question “What things do the people gain from coming to open house?” by saying “communication skills. The teacher, student, and parents/s talk amongst each other by asking questions and making statements.” Open House concluded at 9:00 pm and everyone enjoyed their participation.

Students working at the yearbook booth on open house night.
Students working at the yearbook booth on open house night.
Teacher, Mr. Corcoran introduces himself to open house parents.
Teacher, Mr. Corcoran introduces himself to open house parents.