Sunrise Marks New Beginning


Every year, West Bloomfield High School seniors choose a special event to do as a class. This year’s senior class, the class of 2014, decided to watch the sun rise together before their last first day together. The sunrise is to symbolize the beginning of their last adventure as a whole. On September 4th, 2013, the seniors arrived at school fifteen minutes earlier to listen to music and eat donuts as they united. Even though this year will be their last, this was not a sad event; on the contrary, socializing with people they have known for the last four years helped kick off the school year in a fun, exciting way.

“I must admit, it was a little cloudy, and we didn’t really get to see the sun rise, but it felt good to be surrounded by that. It was just a cool social thing,” Senior Miranda Hakim said.

“It was nice seeing all my friends again because I hadn’t seen them all summer,” Senior Alison Zywicki said.

At the end of the school year, the seniors plan to watch the sun set together as a symbol to the end. The most important thing for them right now is to try and remember every moment of their last three years and make the fourth one their best year.Picture3