Class Act

Theater Arts and Drama II classes collaborate in one-act plays


During the week of December 15th, 2014, drama and video teacher Mr. Micah Green’s Drama II students and art teacher Ms. Molly Marshall’s Theater Arts students collaborated to perform one-act plays in the forum during 3rd and 4th hours Tuesday through Friday. The cost to see the plays were $2 and additional snacks were also for sale. The proceeds went towards the costs of creating the sets and costumes. Classes came down to the forum and were ushered in by students and the teachers had special center seating with treats and lit candles.
The plays performed were Final Dress Rehearsal and Black Comedy. The sets for both of the plays were created by the theater arts students and performed by the drama students. Final Dress Rehearsal was a one-act play that takes place behind the scenes of the final dress rehearsal of an adaptation of Cinderella. In Black Comedy, the entire comedic play had to deal with being in darkness. “It allowed us to perform what we’ve learned in the class so far to an actual audience apart from just other drama students,” said senior Haley Kleimola who played Cinderella in Final Dress Rehearsal. Teacher Marlowe B’sheart, who brought her Advanced Writing for Publication class to see Final Dress Rehearsal, said, “It was a great show!  Funny and fun–it is such a delight to see students engaged in creative endeavors.  My class and I really enjoyed it!”