WB Weekly Wrap Up 4/20

Summarizing the events that occurred in the week of 4/20-4/24.

WB Weekly Wrap Up 4/20

Activist (SPIRIT) Week

Monday was the first day of spirit week for Activist Week, and everyone was encouraged to wear the WBHS activist shirts or to wear a shirt representing an individual cause. Many people wore shirts to support the GSA, suicide awareness, gender equality, and more! Tuesday was Detroit Attire Day, and students wore apparel from the Tigers, Redwings, Lions, Pistons Michigan State University, Michigan University, and more! Wednesday was Earth Day/Hippie Day/Tie-Dye Day. The day worked out perfectly with the International Earth Day, and lots of students had fun while rocking out their tie-dye! Thursday was a popular spirit day: Pajama Day! Students came in the fuzzy pajamas and even a few onesies! Friday was superhero day, and students wore Superman, Spiderman, Batman, and other superhero apparel.

Isabella Kallo (freshman) and Jessica Stone (freshman) enjoying Detroit Apparel Day!

Activist (DONATIONS) Week

Monday and Tuesday’s charity work was the Yad Ezra Food Drive. Wednesday’s was donating spare change at lunch for Friends of the Rouge. Thursday and Friday’s was the African Library Project. On Thursday, the American Red Cross Blood Drive occurred in the iCenter from 7:30 am to 2:30 pm.



Friday in all lunches, those who participated in spirit week were given a raffle ticket to have a chance to win gift cards at lunch!


Also, the African Library Project was an extremely big success! The entire school collected 945 books. These are the winning classes and the amount of books they brought in. Thanks to everyone for participating!
1. Ruggero- 224 books
2. B’sheart- 131 books
3. Chase- 110 books
4. Bye- 103 books

Overall, this week has been filled with Activists and apparel. Watch out for the next WB Weekly Wrap-Up and have a great week, Lakers!