Carnival in the Courtyard

A recap of this year’s annual spring carnival

It is finally May and that means it was time for the annual Spring carnival in the courtyard. The clubs and classes of West Bloomfield High School (WBHS) came together to have a great time at the annual Carnival. The Class of 2018 sold Dairy Queen blizzards to give to the cause. Freshman Dani Fink says, “We sold out in like 10 minutes. It was crazy!” Sports and Entertainment Marketing conducted a raffle and put together lots of games to enjoy with all proceeds benefitting the American Cancer Society. Since Eric Pierce is now an assistant principal, his position as the marketing coordinator for the carnival has been taken over by teacher Julie Zalla. Zalla worked hard to secure over 60 prizes for students and staff to take home. This included tickets to Tigers games, gift cards and WBHS apparel. Junior Brendan Bilkovic even walked away with a PS4 all his own. Sports marketing student and senior TJ Lynch says of the experience, “It was a great bonding for all the Sports and Entertainment Marketing classes.”

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Other clubs and classes also came out to join the fun. The Upstander organization offered an uplifting message for all that came, or should I say messages? Their booth not only provided information on what their mission is but they also handed out encouraging quotes. Each of the 1,500 notes had “pass this on” written at the bottom to promote the diffusion of positive energy. One example was, “Do small things with great love” said by Mother Teresa. Other inspirations included quotes from Helen Keller and Shakespeare. Spectrum also joined in, you could be your own inspiration. Editor Tara Naoum set up a program where you can come, take a picture and end up on the cover of your own magazine! You could take your pick from glamour, sports or even fishing, then you flashed those pearly whites and BAM you have your own magazine cover.

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Art club also hopped in on the courtyard fun. Art club offered the popular body art known as henna. Adopted in multiple regions, henna was originally intended for young women to celebrate social or holiday celebrations. Art club spread the artform to West Bloomfield High School by offering it in the courtyard. Sophomore Brianna Morigney says, “It’s my third time getting henna. I love the designs and art club did a great job.” With the hustle and bustle of an average school day, the carnival offers a great break to the routine. The whole school can come together and have a great time while also sharing information on the organizations they are a part of.