A Brave New Play

A Brave New Play

On November 5th-7th, 2015 the West Bloomfield High School Theatre Department will be performing the play Brave New World in the High School Auditorium. On Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night the play will start at 7:30. There is also a matinee show on Saturday at 2:00 pm. Tickets will be sold for $10 at the door. The play, written by David Rogers and based off of the novel by Aldous Huxley, is a dystopian work set in the future. In this future, people are mindlessly happy, babies are decanted from bottles rather than born, and humans take happiness drugs to deal with frustration. Leads in the play include actors Lauren Alo, Erin Suchara, Jackson Abohasira, Perry Quarker, David Wilson, Alex Coughman, Maddie Hughes, Julia Graham, Ilyssa Brunhild, and Anya Miller.