A Senator for Visit

State Senator Mike Kowall pays a visit WBHS

Alison Zywicki

From left to right: Assistant Prinicpal Patrick Watson, Assistant Prinicpal Mara Hoffert, State Senator Mike Kowall, Principal Thomas Shelton and Counselor Lisa Graff

On Monday, September 23, 2013 West Bloomfield High School  (WBHS) was visited by State Senator, Mike Kowall. The Senator arrived to school just as second hour began and led the school through the pledge of allegiance during announcements. After that, the tour group, led by Principal, Mr. Thomas Shelton and including Assistant Principal, Mr. Patrick Watson, Assistant Principal, Ms. Mara Hoffert and Counselor, Mrs. Lisa Graff took State Senator Kowall through the school visiting classes during second and third hours.

State Senator Mike Kowall saying Pledge of Alligence along with Principal Thomas Shelton
State Senator Mike Kowall saying Pledge of Alligence along with Principal Thomas Shelton

During second hour they visited the Engineering Lab taught by Ms. Tara McDonald, Laker Express taught by Mrs. Sheryl Hauk, Video Journalism taught by Ms. Ashley Teffer and Honors Chemistry taught by Mrs. Mervet Ismail.  Third hour classes included Points of View taught by Mrs. Jennifer McQuillan, AP Calculus taught by Dr. Joe Brandell and Art Foundations taught by Ms. Molly Marshall. Along with the tour, the administration told State Senator Kowall about the Peer Mentorship program, Political Leadership, Medical Mentorship, the Career Center, the Auditorium , the fine arts, the National Merit Scholars, and the world language classes that WBHS has to offer.

While visiting the classes, State Senator Kowall was treated with the national anthem, sung by the Laker Express choir, which includes Seniors Bailey Kadian, Claire Jolliffe, Nick Kisse, Sreekant Oak, Alex Birkinsha, Zach Levin, Erin Pouncy, Joey Asker, Ameerah Shakoor, and Erin Ben-Moche; Juniors Lana Floer, Brooke Bain, Benjamin Roman, Joseph Trate and Eddy Wilson; and Sophomores Lauren Alo, Sana Hakim, Jason Lin, and Caroline Sucher. State Senator Kowall told the choir, “Good job, guys,” and when he left, the Senator asked Mr. Shelton  and colleagues if they could look into bringing the choir to the State Capital to sing.

LAKER EXPRESS sings the National Athem for State Senator Kowall
LAKER EXPRESS sings the National Athem for State Senator Kowall

Also, State Senate Kowall talked to the classes themselves of what activities are offered in Michigan that continue the field in which they are learning. During the time with the Engineering Lab, State Senator Kowall, told the class about a flexible concrete at University of Michigan and told Ms. McDonald that he would e-mail her more information to hear so she can add it into one of her classes. When brought to the Video Journalism class, Mr. Shelton told State Senate Kowall about the uniqueness of the video production classes on how WBHS has a full working T.V. studio, how the students work on news reports and other aspects of film production and highlighted the WBHS Film Fest that is held in the winter.

State Senator and tour group listening in and watching the Video Journalism  2nd hour class
State Senator and tour group listening in and watching the Video Journalism 2nd hour class

As well as the visit from State Senator Kowall, WBHS was visited weeks before by another  State Representative, Klint Kesto, and he experienced the same tour and highlights of WBHS as State Senator Kowall did. When asked why the senators were coming to West Bloomfield High School, Mrs. Graff simply responded, “because we invited them.”  WBHS is one of the high schools in State Senator Kowall’s district and today was a day to impress.


State Senator talking and complimenting teh Laker Express chior and conductor Mrs. Hauk
State Senator talking and complimenting the Laker Express choir and conductor Mrs. Hauk