Coding for a Cause

Are you interested in learning how to code or computer science? WBHS’ Coding Club might be the place for you! Read on to find out more….

Lauryn Azu

West Bloomfield High School’s Coding Club has had an amazing start to their second year. This club’s goal is to get students interested in coding and computer science, because these skills are becoming necessary in the economy of the future. They meet every other Thursday in room 408. The sponsor is Mr. Muylaert, who also sponsors WBHS’ Robotics club.

Coding Club’s president is sophomore, Rishabh Parekh, who started the club as a freshman. At every meeting members get to practice and perfect their coding skills while learning from each other. So far this year, Coding Club has planned many special events. They recently invited a guest speaker named Brian Chess, who is an app specialist from Yelp. He gave key insights about how it is to work in the computer science industry and how computer science works in college. According to Parekh, “He introduced us to tons of developing technology that we hope to implement in our club.” Coding Club hopes to bring in more speakers as the year progresses.

Coding Club also recently participated in the Verizon App Challenge, which is a nationwide app competition for students. They created an app called iWitnessed, which enables students to become instead of bystanders. Users can either take a video, picture, audio, or private comment straight to their school administrator if they witness any bullying in their school. This club’s goal is to benefit WBHS with their coding creations, and this app definitely does so.

Coding Club is hoping to attract more students by hosting more events with guest speakers, sponsoring hackathons, and participating in computer science competitions in order to gain skills and experience as well as more recognition from the student body at WBHS. If this club sounds interesting to you, email Rishabh Parekh at  [email protected] for more information.