Food, Fun, and Chinese

Ashley Thoms, Writer

Chinese Club is relatively new to West Bloomfield High School (WBHS). The club has only been around for two years, yet it already hosts an impressive roster of over thirty-six members. The club gets together every other Wednesday in room 540. The sponsor of Chinese Club is teacher Jia Bin who has taught Chinese language classes at WBHS for two years now. Members of the club do not have to take the Chinese class to join, they just have to have an interest in the culture and a desire to have fun. At each meeting the club takes part in an activity that is a commonplace in China. Activities so far have included tea drinking, noodle eating, calligraphy, and art. Any students who are interested in becoming part of Chinese Club can contact Ms. Bin to ask more information, or just show up to the next meeting. New members are always welcome!