All About Earth Club

Interested in joining Earth Club? Read on…

Lauryn Azu

Earth Club works to promote sustainability and an eco-friendly living environment at West Bloomfield High School. Physics teacher, Mr. Barclay, is this club’s advisor and  they meet on Thursdays twice a month in room 501. Earth Club initiates many events that help preserve WBHS’ eco-friendly status, such as their annual LED light bulb fundraiser. The annual Earth Fair in mid-May is the most important event Earth Club puts on each year. This fair features research of sustainability methods by Earth club members, fun activities, and healthy foods that students can sample. Earth Club gives WBHS students the chance to not only take an active role in preserving the Earth, but also the chance to make worthwhile changes in their community. If you are interested in joining, see Mr. Barclay or any executive board member for more information. Or, consider emailing one of these members on the executive board:

Supriya Gupta – [email protected]

Seth Pufahl [email protected]