Saddle Up

The equestrian team ends their first season on a high jump


For the first year ever, West Bloomfield High School hosts an equestrian team. Susan Hurt coaches the seven girls throughout their first season which ended with a Michigan Interscholastic Horsemanship Association at Milford High school on Saturday, September 14, 2013. Almost every school from the metro Detroit area attended the tournament. West Bloomfield won a few points at the barrel racing part of the competition. Freshmen, Sabrina Burill, Madison Hartz, Madison McKay-Pfeiffer, sophomores, Serena Mansoor, Ana Weinfurther, and senior, Erika Lowenthal all participate in either english or western style riding.

“It’s running at the fastest speed possible while managing to avoid barrels,” sophomore Ana Weinfurther said.

Other activities at the tournament involved Clover Leaf and Saddle Seat.  Weinfurther says they practice at Wildwind Equestrian Center for two hours twice a week.  Weinfurther said the best parts of participating was being part of “a great team” and, “the horses!”
