Spotlight On: Nationally Ranked Tennis Pro Davis Wong
March 2, 2017
West Bloomfield High School is home to many unique and talented individuals, including senior Davis Wong. Davis puts his heart and soul into tennis, making him a top-ranking athlete in the state of Michigan. Davis was runner up at 2015 Midwest Closed Boy’s 16’s singles as well as Title Champion of MState in 2013 and 2014. The Spectrum staff got the opportunity to get down and personal with Davis Wong, to find out more about him and his passion for tennis.
How long have you been playing tennis?
“I started when I was about eight years old.”
How do you train?
“I train every day, and I don’t take many days off. I think I train about twenty hours on the court each week. And because of second semester we try to be in the gym about 4 to 5 hours a week.”
When and how did you start playing tennis?
“My mom played college at Ferris State and she was a teaching pro and she got me into it. My dad also played a bit. They didn’t really
teach me, but they definitely got me into it. Once I started playing, I really liked it, so I continued with it.”
What is your first memory from tennis?
“I remember playing with my family at North Farmington when I was first starting out.”
What are some of your biggest achievements in tennis?
I would say personal growth. Where you start and where you finish is the accomplishment. I think how I have grown as a person and where tennis has gotten me is my biggest accomplishment.
Do you have a routine before your matches pre race routine)?
Sometimes. I usually drink out of the same water bottle or I pray, and I usually talk to my mom. Nothing specific.
Do you listen to music while you play? favorite song to play to?
Nothing specific, I do not really listen to music.
What has been your biggest struggle while playing tennis? What have you gotten past?
“I would say my mind. My mentality and how I have been raised. My parents wanted me to do so well and they put so much pressure on me. I think the more I read, and the more I learn, I can focus better and do my best. My mind wanders often, but my current coach is really good with helping me stay focused.”

What else do you like to do besides tennis?
“I like music, and to hang out with my family. I’m blessed to have grandparents to be around and I like talking and learning to them. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized that some things are important in life and family has been my closest since ever. My brother and I are really close and now I can always talk to him and he’s close to being my best friend. I look up to him, and I hope he looks up to me a little too.”
What is the most inspirational thing you have ever heard?
“Always playing for my family is big for me, and my coach really inspires me to play. When things in matches get tough, I always play for my grandma because she has been through a lot and seeing her struggle has been really hard on me, and I think that when I’m out there, I try to be like her.”
What are your future plans? Will you be playing tennis in college?
“I am committed to play college tennis at Michigan State University so we’ll see how that goes, but again, I am super happy and excited to be able to go to Michigan State and be able to play. I have been extremely blessed to be able to play at a top 10 Division 1 university.”
Know of any other unique or talented students that could be featured on Spectrum’s Spotlight? Leave us a comment below!