Kynedi Webb, is a 10th grade, smart, athletic student who has a 3.9 gpa and is always on top of everything. One of the things she does is cheer and dance, she says “ it is very easy managing school, dance and cheer” she claims that cheer is simply “just for fun.”
Recently, Webb has been awarded on her cheer team for being the “choreography queen” her whole cheer team is positive and Webb always claims how nice and outgoing everyone is.
Managing time for cheer, dance , and school seems like a hard challenge however, Webb claims, “it can be very easy managing cheer,dance and school” because she has gotten used to it after a while and she sets a schedule up that helps her. It could get even more difficult when she adds in a job
“For any student out there that wants to do after school sports they should always plan a schedule,” Webb stated.
She added that they should make sure that they are responsible and in the right mindset. She said doing two extracurricular activities can be hard because she gets home from school at 2:50 and then she leaves for cheer at 5:00-8:00. She says it is a very draining and tiring schedule but when she wants to do something no one can stop her.
Webb does have an interest in becoming a pro dancer. She has always loved dance as a kid and there will always be a special place in her heart for dance. Webb also says cheer is just a simple after school activity that she so happens to be good at.
Webb has all A’s and B’s. She is really responsible and organized. She always makes sure school comes first before anything else. One of the side effects of being so busy that Webb deals with is being tired mentally and physically.
Usually, after cheer practice, she is really sore and tired. Recently, she’s been extra sore. One of the remedies Webb does to get rid of her soreness is stretching and taking an ice bath. She finds it really helpful and says the ice brings a nice cold feeling to her body and usually gets rid of most of the cramps she has. Every once in a while, if she cannot take an ice bath to help with her cramps, she uses a massage gun. She says it helps with her muscles that are cramping up.
Webb always comes home from practice extremely tired. But she has to stay up to do her homework. She says school always comes first after anything and it’s very important to never lose that type of mindset because you will start slacking in school and if you fall behind in school it will be hard to graduate and become the person you want to be.
When Webb goes to dance competitions that require her to miss a few days for school she says before she goes she gets her homework done before it is due so she does not have to worry about falling behind. When Webb comes back to school after her long dance competition that’s held out of state she immediately gets to work on school work that she cannot do online.

When Webb becomes a senior she says that she will not do cheer only because of how time consuming it is she says she will start majoring in dance and putting her full attention to school , she claims cheer would never be something for her to major in but she has had a ton of memories from cheerleading so there will always be some type of love for cheer.

One of Webb’s dreams after she graduates is to be a professional dancer for a celebrity. She has said it has always been her dream to dance on stage and that she will get a good amount of money. Webb says for now she will stick to dancing in the studio. Webb also says she will not be doing dance for a long while because she cannot see herself as a 40 year old woman doing dance after she stops majoring in dance she will eventually become a Doctor or a Nurse and claims that when she gets in her 30s she wants to settle down from dance and move onto something new
The reason Webb wants to become a doctor is because she has always had a thing for caring and helping others. When Webb was a kid, she always acted like a doctor, so it has been a dream for a while. Webb has talked about going to medical school for a while and hopes to graduate from it. Another reason Webb wants to become a doctor is because she says she cannot wait to help her parents out when they eventually get older, and she will know all the tactics for helping them.
While Webb is still very young and only in her second year of high school, she has already received awards for how she manages things. Even in 8th grade, she made the Honor Roll. She sets a great example for her younger sister and her cheer and dance teammates. They say she always makes things better and is very good at helping them out during practice.
The question everyone has been wondering is what college Webb eventually wants to go to. She wants to go to an HBCU in Atlanta, Georgia. She claims she has a lot of respect for her elders because they went there and thinks she will love an HBCU.
Webb is someone that has a ton of goals and expectations in her life. She makes high school look very easy and simple, even while balancing her grades and all her extracurricular activities. She does not want to fall behind in anything, so she will always stay on top of it. She rarely misses her practices, only if she is sick.
With all the dedication that Webb puts into her academics and activities, there is no doubt she will be able to conquer whatever she decides to pursue.