Fun and Food at WBHS!

Students gathering during the pie-eating contest.

Students gathering during the pie-eating contest.

Deepa Jha, Editor

Spirit week at West Bloomfield High School brings many festivities- Homecoming, the powderpuff game, and Mr. WB. But one of the most anticipated (and most recurring) festivities are the lunchtime games. With the stereo booming out some beats, students take part in some funny games.

Each game allows 1 student from each game to participate during lunch. These students have the chance to win some Laker gear and points awarded toward their grade for the pep rally.

On Monday, October 1, students played a donut eating game. Officials held a stick up, with donuts hanging from it. Students had to eat the donuts without using their hands. During B-lunch, junior Chloe Marcou won the game. Marcou commented “It was fun representing my grade and winning. It felt like I won for them all instead of just myself.”

Students participating in the donut-eating contest.

Next up on Tuesday, October 2, students participated in a scavenger hunt. Officials listed random items that participants would have to find in the lunchroom. Objects could include a pink pen, neon shoe, or a Michigan hat. Seniors beat out the competition during B-lunch in a not-so-close match.

Wednesday, October 3, had some sick songs for the lunchroom to listen to. Participants on this day had to guess the song. Seniors were able to edge out the competition yet again, earning points for their grade.

Thursday, October 4, got a little messy with a pie-eating contest. With the same idea as Monday, students had to eat frosting in a pie pan without eating the M&M at the bottom of the pan. After some waiting, sophomores were disqualified due to lack of volunteers. Juniors ate their way to the top after a close battle.

Friday, October 5, had the same idea as Wednesday with a lip-sync battle. Participants had to dance and lip-synch to their given song, with the students choosing who won by applause. Seniors danced their way to the top with a win.

If you weren’t able to participate, don’t worry- spirit week comes again for Snow-coming week. Until then, Lakers will have to show their spirit in different ways!