The Fourth Annual U-Matter Week Lifts Up WBHS


Jessica Lundy presenting to WBHS students.

Sarah Long

West Bloomfield High School hosted its fourth annual U-Matter Week from Nov. 11- Nov. 15th. U-Matter Week is meant to motivate and inspire students reinforcing the idea that each and every person matters.

“It is important to have U-Matter week to celebrate people and let people know they have a place in the world,” said freshman Skylar Meltoen.

U-Matter week celebrated students and faculty with a different message every day of the week. 

It began with Mindfulness Monday which consisted of a complimentary breakfast in the morning and a Mental Health Awareness Night at 6:30 p.m. School was cancelled Tuesday due to the poor road conditions. On Wellness Wednesday, there were complementary cookies in the atrium before class. Award winning TV host and certified life coach Jessica Lundy shared motivation with all grade levels. The assembly reminded students of their worth and created a safe space to celebrate fellow students and faculty. On Thankful Thursday, staff and student TED Talks were held in the auditorium where both students and staff were given a chance to tell their stories. They shared different messages to show each person matters regardless of any setbacks they endured in their lives. Fun Friday closed the week. Students wore white to support Mental Health Awareness and red carnations were passed out to uplift students’ moods and spread smiles. 

“It is important to have U-Matter week especially this time of year because it brings light to mental health,” said senior Jordan Chase. “That is really important in the school environment.”