A Hosa meeting is happening soon? A Deca meeting is happening soon? A SkillsUSA meeting is happening after that? Oh no it feels like I’m drowning! If you can relate to having so many clubs to join, meetings to go to and dates for things you have to sign up for, don’t worry and just breathe. It can be very stressful in the beginning of the school year to decide what extracurriculars you want to get into. Some of your friends may want to join Hosa, some want to join Deca, and others, SkillsUSA. You might have an interest in all of these things and just can’t decide what to pick. That’s where I come in. I am going to give you all the facts and information about each club so then you have a much easier time making a decision on which club to join.
First let’s start with Deca. Can you just join Deca or do you need to be in specific classes? “‘You need to be in a business related course.” Said Ms. Zalla, one of the Deca advisors. If you qualify for that, you still need to know what happens in these meetings and when they meet. “There are 3 meetings during the year and everything else is done during the school day.” Said Ms. Zalla. Now for a more insider perspective, let’s hear from a past Deca member, Gurleen Kaler. “We practice for the competition. It’s like Shark Tank, you get a scenario, you have to come up with a solution. Then you walk in and a judge from a “blank” company acts as your boss. When you’re done presenting, your judge asks you questions and you come up with answers on the spot.” There are also competitions you do. There is a regional one that happens in Detroit and a national one that happens in Orlando.

“I did go to States and it was really fun. My partner and I were the only freshmen. It was in downtown Detroit and we had a booklet of lists of times when each event was. We did fashion marketing and we both took a test individually. Then we did the role play scenario where we came up with a proposal and solution.” Said Gurleen Kaler. After hearing that I definitely want to join. But, Is it hard balancing Deca with other extracurriculars? “No, I don’t think it is because if you’re taking a business class, you’re already getting all the info you need to know and it works smoothly. Ms. Zalla also helps out a lot so everything is taken care of.” Gurleen Kaler said again. Awesome! Well I’ll definitely consider it.
Next is SkillsUSA. What requirements do you need to join SkillsUSA? “You have to be enrolled in a CTE program that participates in the trade field. Classes like Radio and TV or Digital Media Arts. You can also participate if you are in classes at OSTC like, Robotics, Cosmetology, Culinary, Welding, or Construction.” Said Mrs. Williamson, the SkillsUSA advisor. Okay so once I have those qualifications, what do you do in the club and what is it like? “We focus on leadership skills and creating content in a fast paced environment so when students go to state competition they know what it will be and have a better understanding on how to compete in it and hopefully win.” Said Mrs. Williamson. Let’s see if a member of the club would recommend it to others. “I would. If you have a passion for video and audio, or just want to compete in a non traditional way, you’ll learn a lot.” Said Max Columbus, current SkillsUSA member. There are also competitions in SkillsUSA. What are those like? “In competitions students compete in audio, video, or film production.

For audio and video they have 2 hours to record and 2 hours to edit and that’s it. No planning and they know nothing ahead of time. For film production they have one week to create a short film and have a topic, quote and prop requirement, and the people who judge it are actual film producers.” Said Mrs. Williamson. Wow, SkillsUSA seems like such an awesome club! Now, let’s finally hear from an advisor and member of Hosa.
Are there any requirements to join Hosa? “There really are no defined requirements, but an interest in healthcare is helpful.” Said Ms. Danton, one of the Hosa advisors. That’s great, you don’t need to be in any specific class to join! What are the main things you do during Hosa? “Our club competes against other schools in the region and in the state, promotes healthy initiatives, hosts fundraisers, works with the Gift of Life organ donation, and supports the community.” Said Ms. Danton. Let’s hear the perspective of someone in Hosa right now. “My favorite thing about Hosa is the community and the opportunities you’re given. In Hosa we’re all one community, and we always help each other with anything. The members and sponsors are some of the most amazing people in the world, and the inclusiveness and friendship that come with Hosa is truly the best.” Said current Hosa member, Sarina Khatchadourian. That sounds so welcoming. What is the Hosa competition like? “The competition is intense! Students spend months preparing to compete, and really give it their all during competition. The awards ceremony is so full of energy it’s electric.

WBHS will be hosting the HOSA Regional Competition this year for the first time ever, and we could not be more excited.” Said Ms. Danton. That sounds super fun! Would you recommend Hosa to other people? “I would 250% recommend Hosa to other students! There are many types of medical events that students have the option to choose from and there is a lot of leeway on what they want to do. You can even change up your event every year. It really helps you see specifically what you want to do in the medical field.” Said Sarina Khatchadourian.
Wow, that was a lot. I hope that with this newfound info about these 3 clubs, you have an easier time making a decision about what to join, and can find what club is the best for you. If you still can’t decide, contact any of the 3 advisors interviewed, and they can definitely give any specific details you want. Go out there, join a club, and have new experiences!