Ready for the Deep End

WBHS Girls’ Swim and Dive Ready for Adult Swim


The 2015 seniors in West Bloomfield High School Girls Swim and Dive team have made a splash this year. They have done their hardest to finish the year on the best note that they can. Senior swimmers include Meghan Lederman, Morgan Williamson, Hannah Sandel, Melanie Bumler, Jessica Bowser, and Arielle Therrien.  These seniors have risen to the challenges and hope next year’s girls will do the same.

“Don’t give up just because something is a challenge,” says Meghan Lederman’s to incoming swim members and next year’s seniors. WBHS teacher and coach Nicholas Fraylick’s last remarks for the girls is, “Life is all about finding balance, work hard, play hard. Don’t neglect either.”

Congratulations, Lakers!