Seniors Skip Everything But the Fun

Students share their Senior Skip Day festivities


Justin Skyler, Arvid Peterson, Lyndsay Crane, Sarah Opie, and Lauren Gorny at Cedar Point.

After four years of high school, no senior is unfamiliar with missing a few classes and senior skip day gives them one last chance to play hooky. As scheduled, on Friday, May 15th, 2015, all the seniors at West Bloomfield High School (WBHS) took the day off as one last hoorah of senior year. Here’s how they took advantage of the opportunity:

I went to Cedar Point!

— Jordan Baker


I went to the mall and out to eat with some friends.

— Giuliana Herrera


I went to airtime and Red Lobster with my squad and it was hype.

— Cameron Johnson


We drove an hour away to go shopping and then stopped off at Frankenmuth on our way back.

— Haley Kleimola


I loved spending the day with my friends at Cedar Point.

— Lauren Gorny


I went to airtime and then went out to eat.

— Gabe Villa


It was just a great day to relax.

— TJ Lynch


I got kicked out of the zoo.

— Jameson Draper


I spent some quality time with my grandmother.

— Dominique Hermiz


I had a track meet and went to Coldstone. A very eventful day.

— Chukuma Ezeanya


I went to eat at a really great restaurant in Birmingham with my friends.

— Aleena Mirza