Maize and Blue Make Green

West Bloomfield High School’s (WBHS) Choir takes part in the Michigan’s Youth Art Festival


¨An alliance that develops, recognizes and advocates excellence in arts education for all¨ ( On Thursday, May 7 West Bloomfield High School’s (WBHS) choir was honored to partake in the 53rd annual Michigan Youth Arts Festival (MYAF). These 1000 students were chosen to participate in a festival of arts after auditioning online. They performed or showcased their talent in a number of categories including vocal music, visual arts, dance, film, creative writing, and much more. The choir students of WBHS were to sing a jazz number during the festival. This festival was not only fun, it was also a wonderful learning experience for everyone who participated in it.

WBHS’s own Avery Ribiat, sophomore, attended the festival. She explains that her ¨favorite part about MYAF was going in and leaving with a lot of new friends from all over Michigan.¨ Even though she and many others had a wonderful time there was challenges, ¨The most challenging was ¨probably just trying to work practically all day¨ Ribiat adds that rehearsing ¨got boring very fast.¨

Those who attended the Michigan Youth Arts Festival left with valuable lessons, Ribiat included.  She explains that she learned ¨with enough patience and dedication, you can do amazing things.¨