The Man Who Was God

The Man Who Was God

He woke one morning to the realization that he was god. He looked around his room, the same room it always was. Shouldn’t it be different now that I am god? He thought the room should be different and so it was, because  he was god. He went to his job, the same job it always was. Shouldn’t it be different now that I am god? He thought his job should be different and so it was, because he was god. He saw his life and didn’t like how it was and because he was god he simply changed it.

The people around him called him Jeffery. I am not Jeffery I am god. Yet no one worshiped him. Can they not see I am god? I can create universes with only my mind. I can give life. I can control the world. Control the world he could, yet because god had given people free will he could not control those around him. They could not see that he was god, but he could and that was all he needed for power. He was god only to himself, but he was still god.

There are billions of gods. Billions of people walking around with absolute control of their lives. Only a few know of their god like powers. Jeffery was one of the few who saw his power and used it. Those around him called him crazy. They said no one just left their, house, their job, their everything. Jeffery knew however that they were the crazy ones thinking they were trapped. You are god, you control the world around you. The only thing stopping you from using your power, is you.

He woke one morning to the realization that he was the devil. He saw the jealousy, the hatred, the evil within himself and knew he was the devil. He tried to fight the devil inside. He kept himself on the societal view of good, so afraid to stray because of what he saw in himself. I could hurt people, because I am the devil. I thought I was god, but now I am the devil? I will not be the devil, I will simply be god. He fought and fought against the devil he was.

The people around him called him Jeffery. Do not call me that. If you knew what I really was you would fear me. I am the devil.  I see only hatred and hideous things all around me. I myself hate and create hideous things. I hurt people. I want to hurt people. I am the devil. The people could not see that he was the devil, only the devil himself knew the true extent of his evil.

There are billions of devils. Billions of people walking around with complete evil sitting inside them. These people see the devil inside and desperately try to pretend it isn’t there. Yet it is there inside them. The devil eats away at people and tries to overpower the god. It wants to be seen, it wants to get out, and that scares people more than anything else in the world. The devil inside is man’s worst nightmare. The devil is there, you cannot ignore him. However, again you are the only one stopping the devil within from gaining power.

We are both god and the devil. We are both good and evil. Only once we accept our truths can we truly be at peace with ourselves.