Simple Words of Wisdom 2

“Time Heals All Wounds”

Simple Words of Wisdom 2

Hunter Griffin, Editor

I am a firm believer in this very quote: “Time heals all wounds”. Time heals everything with patience and forgiveness. The very action of forgiveness is the biggest part of moving on and actually starting the healing process. Once you forgive and move forward, that is when your wounds start to actually heal. Forgive yourself and forgive the one who did you wrong.  I believe the next step in healing has everything to do with acceptance. When you accept that fact that the situation happened and now you are ready to move on, do it. No hesitation, no doubt in yourself. If acceptance is not in the equation, you are in denial. That causes more hard issues that is not necessary. From my experience, these small steps allowed me to have a better life. After going through a hard time, healing and feeling better creates a new and healthy person all together. With time comes growth, and with growth comes a wiser version of you. I have learned that as I have grown and  become more wise, it has also allowed me to heal faster and more beneficial. Yet, time can also cause some people not to grow and heal as long as they are holding on to negativity. But if you want to heal, with time, forgiveness, and acceptance, anything is possible.