WBHS Makes a Difference

 Monday April 18th through Friday the 22nd, West Bloomfield students participated in Activist week. Activist week encourages students to give back, and do something to help people around them.


Reilly Card and Arianna Heyman




Monday was canned food day, students dressed in their preppiest outfits, and collected over 600 items for Lighthouse of Oakland County. 





Tuesday was a green out in honor of the book Green Eggs and Ham. WB students donated over 300 books for the charity. 






Wednesday was hat day, and also haircut day for 12 people who cut off 8 inches of their hair for charity. Some were nervous to do so, including WBHS teacher Mrs. Bye. In addition to the hair a total of $125 dollars was raised.  Nicholas Fraylick, a WBHS’ science teacher, started the relationship between Children With Hair Loss (CWHL) and WBHS last year.  “A former student of mine lost his battle with cancer, Jeremy Wagner. He was an awesome kid and I thought I already started to grow my hair out maybe I will continue to grow my hair out for the remainder of this year and see if I can get some kids to donate in his honor.” Fraylick’s reason for working with CWHL is because of their versatility. “Children with Hair loss is a very good company to go through. They do a lot of stuff locally, and it’s not just cancer.” They also work with burn victims and those with alopecia. It takes six to ten pony tails to make a hair piece, so WBHS was able to help provide hair for approximately two people.





Thursday was the blood drive.  29 pints of blood were collected. Senior Ethan Murry, one of the generous students who donated, said; “I decided to donate blood because other people need it more than I do and I have plenty to share.” The goal was 41 pints and so they fell a bit short. However, one pint can save three lives, so WBHS students helped save 87 people by simply donating blood.




Finally, on Friday, students dressed in their comfiest PJ’s, and also donated 162 pieces of clothing for Orchard’s Children’s Services.


To learn more about these organizations and what they do for the community follow these links






Overall, Activist week was a success, and we here at Spectrum are so proud of the charitable students who participated and gave back to the community.