The Final Bow


Brenna Birr

One of the many parts of the West Bloomfield High Schools (WBHS) drama department is the MIFA (Michigan Interscholastic Forensic Association) program. In MIFA, the students build their set in 25 minutes, put on a 45 minute play and take of the set in ten minutes, and afterwards are judged against other schools at their competition. Unlike other parts of the drama department, not everyone gets in so it’s a very exclusive club and an honor to be apart of. And the seniors, Olivia Krieger, Alex Kaufman, Maddie Hughes, Ian Mahoney, Jackson Abohasira, Perry Quarker Jr, Lauren Alo, Erin Suchara, and Brenna Birr are very grateful for their time in MIFA.

Maybe one day you’ll see these people on the “big screen” or performing in a main stage musical, or designing an emotion provoking set. We wish them good luck in all their endeavours.