Delegating Their Way to Success

The Model United Nations Team celebrates their dedicated graduating seniors.

Seniors pictured: Julia Weingarden and Elizabeth Kassa

Ari Felhandler

Model United Nations is one of the most compelling, time consuming, and imperative to the real world clubs. Model UN has provided a forum for ambitious seniors to engage in a realistic, educational, and hands on simulation of the real United Nations. The United Nations was initially founded in 1945 on the premise of improving on an inept League of Nations after World War 2. It is an organization of which promotes cooperation, diplomacy, and unity among represented countries in the world. Students represent one of 193 countries, research their interests and positions, which are effectively represented and debated for humanity’s overall benefit. Model UN consists of numerous committees and councils, which focus on important and controversial topics, problems, and solutions. These seniors worked hard to develop positions, defenses, and resolutions. For many, this provided a way to break their social barriers and become more outgoing. This year’s Model UN group attended numerous conferences in the greater West Bloomfield area, while also traveling 620 miles east to New York City to attend the world’s largest Model United Nations Conference located at the real United Nations building. This year’s seniors included Ian Graham, Julia Weingarden, Ashley Schultz, and Elizabeth Kassa.


Kassa savored the excitement of her experiences in Model UN and all that she has learned. On her favorite memories in the club, Kassa said, “My by far favorite memory from model UN was my first semmuna conference because it helped me get into Model UN and I met a lot of great people. My experience in model UN will impact my future by opening the door to become more involved with world politics and I also plan on doing model UN in college.” Kassa’s enthusiasm shined, as she continued, “Model UN has helped me grow as a person by making my spelling skills stronger and allowing myself to experience friendly and informative debates. Kassa plans on attending MSU and majoring in human biology.

MUN Team @ Bloomfield Hills High School
MUN Team @ Bloomfield Hills High School