Leading to Succeed

WBHS’s Student Government Seniors Leave a Legacy

Ari Felhandler

The Senior Class Council and seniors apart of Student Government have dedicated their time, effort, and expertise to the success and growth of Student Government. These individuals spent countless hours on projects throughout the entire year. Some of their successful endeavours include creating a theme and decorating the homecoming dance, building homecoming floats, organizing fundraisers in order to raise money for prom, among organizing and attending other events for their class. They have successfully accomplished all of these feats while motivating, inspiring, and perpetuating West Bloomfield High School Laker spirit among the entire student body. Their legacy will continue to inspire future seniors to accomplish as much, or more. These experiences have also helped them grow as individuals and as leaders among the Laker community. They will take their knowledge and experience and build upon that in their future lives and careers. The seniors include, Brooke Blind, Hailey Brown, Sydney Jones, Sari Grossman, Nathan Pasternak, Robbie Reid, Christin D, Jenna Diclemente, Jourdan Clements, Rachel zuckerberg, and Serena M.


The Student Government Treasurer Zuckerberg reflected that her favorite memory included, “being elected onto the Exec board. It was a great accomplishment for me.” She continued to share her love for the club by stating, “Stugo has taught me valuable leadership skills that will help me contribute to be a leader after graduation. Stugo has taught me to be a more open and outgoing person. It has also made me more motivated to be involved and accomplish my goals when I set them.” After graduation, Zuckerberg will be studying fashion business and photography at Columbia College Chicago.


Student Government President Jones stated, “In college, I hope to join clubs similar to STUGO to continue my experiences. Beyond, I know I can use the leadership and social skills I have acquired from STUGO to create new friendships, jobs, and opportunities.”

She continued to discuss the correlation between Student Government and growth by explaining, “I have grown as a person because of STUGO in multiple ways. I believe it has made me more confident. Without confidence, it is hard to have 50 people looking at you for what to do next. STUGO has helped me create new friendships which have in turn made me a better and more knowledgeable person. Finally, STUGO has helped me become a more organized and timely person, two qualities that will become very important during and after college.” Lastly, on her plans for the future, Jones commented, “I plan on attending the University of Chicago to study Political Science with a possible minor in Economics. While at UChicago, I hope to explore the city and travel abroad, possibly in Spain or Australia. After I complete my undergraduate degree, I plan on attending law school and one day owning my own firm.”


Reid explained that his, “favorite memory of STUGO was going to Detroit for our service event for project 561. It was really cool to actually go out and do something hands on that makes a difference for people. STUGO has given me so much practice in event planning, fundraising, and building my overall character. All of these things will benefit me a ton as I move to college because STUGO has given me experience in so many different  school settings.” While expressing the benefits of being apart of a group like Student Government, Reid proclaimed,
“STUGO has made me a very good public speaker. It has also helped me become so much more organized, as well as improving my communication skills.  I have met so many awesome people in STUGO, and because of this I have gotten to learn from others so much and improve my character from them.” Reid continued, “In college I plan on majoring in business at Miami University, but most importantly I want to make a positive difference in as many lives as I can!”


Pasternak enthusiastically explained his favorite memory memory of Student Government by stating that it, “was getting to know new people that all wanted to make an impact on the school.” When asked about the potential future impact of Student Government, Pasternak was quick to answer, “I learned leadership and also how to communicate with others and share ideas. I’ve grown as a person because I’ve gotten to share my ideas more and open up but also have take new perspective on things.” Pasternak will be attending Michigan State University on an ROTC scholarship and plans to major in international relations.