National Puppy Day ?



Kayla Gailliard

Everyday there are puppies who wander the streets aimlessly with nowhere to go, who live in a toxic environment with their owner(s) or who have spent months in shelters or adoption agencies. 

As cute and lovable little pups are, there is a devastating reality that they face, and it is one of the reasons many celebrate today; National Puppy Day. 

 According to, National Puppy Day was established back in 2006 by dog owner, Colleen Paige, who founded National Dog day back in 2004. Paige’s mission was to urge the public to recognize the number of dogs that needed to be rescued each year. Over the years since the establishment of National Dog Day, Paige has inspired millions of people with her genuine compassion and concern for the safety, protection and love of dogs and puppies, and in result, she has brought worldwide attention to animals in need. 

There are many students within the school who have dogs and pups in their family. 

Sophomore, Rebekah Goodman shared about her puppy, Oscar Finn.

Goodman has had little pup Oscar for two years. She said, 

“My friend’s mother had a Great Dane, and they had a bunch of babies, and I took one of the babies”.

 She loves how lovable Oscar is, as she said,

“He’s such a cuddle bug”. 

When it comes to ways to help, Goodman expressed she would recommend,

 “Donate materials and dog food and a bunch of other things to dog shelters so they can provide it to dogs in need”. 

Senior, Mariana Lopez also shared about her English Bulldog, Coco, who she has had for about a year and a


“We got her from a breeder in Mexico City”, adding, “she’s a little international”. 

Her favorite thing about Coco is how playful she is. Lopez said, 

“She does some pretty crazy stuff and just like the accidents she gets into, it’s free comedy”. 

Her way to help bring awareness to lost dogs and pups is one that is very admirable. 

“They might be a little crazy but they always like to have fun and eventually they’ll calm down, so take them in. Take them on a walk, that generally tires them out. You’ll be fine!”

While there are no traditions for today, there is so much people can do to raise awareness for the dogs and puppies who are in unfortunate situations. Whether it’s like Rebekah, and donating materials such as food, toys, towels and blankets. Or perhaps like Mariana and sharing that dogs may be a little crazy, but they are so fun and lovable, and they’re worth taking in. 

National Puppy Day is a great way to encourage and remind people of what they can do to help the little pups out there.